FIRST Robotics Resources
FIRST was a great experience for me when I was in high school, and now that I'm all 'grown up' I am currently a mentor for the KwarQs at Watertown High School. This is a list of all the FIRST-related resources that I have available for download here on the Virtual Roadside. Much of it was created by myself, some of it was created by students on our team (noted where appropriate), and much of it is useful in one way or another. I hope you will find this useful, and if you find bugs please let me know!
I have Doxygen-generated HTML documentation available for the WPILib C++ Library available to view and to download at
All of the software is released under an open source license of some kind. Those that do not contain a license are released under the following terms:
DriverStationTest | |
Description: | A really simple C++ program that helps you test out the stuff attached to your 2009 FIRST Robotics Driver Station |
Link: | More information |
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Kwarqs 2009 Boston Regional Robot Code | |
Description: | Robot code for the KwarQs 2009 Robot. 4 independently steerable wheels in swerve drive, 'CompassDrive' (created by a student on our team), maintenance routines using an interactive menu system on the Driver Station LCD, custom servos, consistent and working autonomous mode. Lots of neat stuff. |
Link: | More information |
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Kwarqs 2010 Boston Regional Robot Code | |
Description: | Robot code for the KwarQs 2010 Robot. Compatible with the default kitbot motor configuration! Vision processing placed in its own low-priority thread (runs during disabled mode too), autonomous mode that successfully scores goals, kicker, easy to use 'NosePointer' class to tell the robot to point in a particular direction via the Gyro, position tracking using an encoder, various latching/state machine utility classes. Not a lot of new or innovative stuff, but useful. |
Link: | More information |
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Kwarqs 2011 Boston Regional Robot Code | |
Description: | Robot code for the KwarQs 2011 Robot, written in Python. Compatible with the kitbot chassis, the robot uses CANJaguar for the arm motors, which has an elevator and a grabber arm that can be raised or lowered by the operator. A test harness is included ( which tests some of the basic functionality of the robot code, using a fake wpilib. The test harness can be run on a normal PC with python 3 installed. |
Link: | More information |
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Kwarqs 2012 Robot Code | |
Description: | Robot code for the KwarQs 2012 Robot, written in Python. Includes the award-winning SmartDashboard extension, RobotWidget, and a SmartDashboard extension that can track the target and feed tracking data to the robot via NetworkTables. A test harness is included (in the testing directory) which tests some of the basic functionality of the robot code, using a fake wpilib. The test harness can be run on a normal PC with python 3 installed. |
Link: | More information |
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Kwarqs 2013 Robot Code | |
Description: | Robot code for the KwarQs 2013 Robot, written in Python. Includes the award-winning driver station touchscreen control interface and targeting system, and testing code that uses fake-wpilib. The testing code can be ran on any computer with Python3 installed. |
Link: | More information |
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KwarqsDashboard 2013 | |
Description: | KwarqsDashboard is an award-winning control system developed in 2013 for the Kwarqs, written entirely in python. |
Link: | More information |
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Interactively tunable PID Controller (WebDMA enabled) | |
Description: | An adaptation of the PIDController class in WPILib that can be used in conjunction with WebDMA to allow interactive PID Controller tuning |
Link: | More information |
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Utilities Package for RobotPy | |
Description: | Includes WinPDB, RIPShell, and code uploader: all designed to work with RobotPy |
Link: | More information |
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RobotWidget SmartDashboard extension | |
Description: | The RobotWidget is an award-winning extension to the 2012 SmartDashboard (Team 2423 won the Innovation in Controls award at the Boston Regional, and this was cited as a key component of that). It is based in part off of the SendablePIDController and Image widgets that come with the SmartDashboard. |
Link: | More information |
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Vae Victis 2014 Robot Code | |
Description: | Robot code for team 1418's robot. Full pyfrc integration for robot simulation and testing. Comprehensive unit tests. Complex autonomous mode support. Multiple working autonomous modes. Core robot features automated. Driver station UI with comprehensive robot tuning support, and image processing with hot goal detection. |
Link: | More information |
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WPILib Test Harness | |
Description: | A GUI test harness for WPILib that you can use to run your WPILib/C++ based robot code on to do debugging without a cRio (this code is outdated, go to the FIRST Forge project site for newer releases!) |
Link: | More information |
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Slides + Sample code given at Team 1418 workshops on 2013-12-07 | |
Description: | Image processing on the Driver Station using Python |
Link: | More information |
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Boost::Asio/Boost::Thread patchset | |
Description: | A patchset to allow compilation and usage of Boost 1.38.0 on vxWorks |
Link: | More information |
Files: | boost_1_38_0.asio-full.vxworks.patch |
PID parameter calculation spreadsheet | |
Description: | A simple XLS spreadsheet that shows you some basics about PID controllers |
Link: | More information |
Files: | pidmodel.xls |
Swerve Drive Spreadsheet Model | |
Description: | A really neat spreadsheet I created to model the ideal movement of our 4 independently steerable wheels. Has scatterplots modified to show the direction of the wheels. |
Link: | More information |
Files: | swerve_drive.xls |
Remote Debugger for RobotPy/Python | |
Description: | A modified version of Winpdb ( especially for RobotPy on vxWorks |
Link: | More information |
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