LOLCat Creator Generator

For those of you who have used my LOLCat Generator script, you would be happy to know that I’ve improved it slightly — now using it on images that have white backgrounds works decently. Things the LOLCat Creator can do:

  • Put a caption in any of the corners, with wordwrap
  • Generate from any one of the few random cat pictures I have on the site
  • Generate from any URL of an image that you give it

A lot of people have been using it, and there are some pretty amusing pictures that have been generated. I’ll have to post the best ones. 🙂

LOLCat Generator Page

One Response to “LOLCat Creator Generator”

  1. mozey says:

    Nice work on your project, and thank you for inspiring my own, 🙂

    I have just released my own lolcat creator. I hope you all will enjoy it.

    It allows you to create multiple lolcats in the same time, “frames”, then “combine” them together as an animated gif. OR a comic strip.

    SAMPLE OUTPUT:From my blog

    IT IS in early phases, so it may not be 100 percent intuitive, but i hope you enjoy it.

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