Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Easy Green PC

Tuesday, October 28th, 2008

My former roommate had the idea a few months ago to build a ‘green’ PC, which would be very low power, easy for anyone to use for things such as email and office applications, and (of course, the clincher) cheap. So he went ahead and did it… it worked out quite well. Its a shiny lil box, actually. The performance isn’t that bad either, and it is in fact power efficient.

Its running Ubuntu on it (of course, its supposed to be cheap!), and he mentioned some plans to research patches and tweaks to make the Linux kernel more power efficient, and include other peoples power-related patches and such in there as well.

Anyways, visit his site, it doesn’t have a whole lot of content there yet but he was planning on adding some more…

Power efficient ‘green’ linux-based PC

Best Election Twist *ever*

Monday, October 27th, 2008

Best election twist *ever*:

Wargames III: The Obama Code: The mysterious hacking of Joe the Plumber’s motor vehicle records was America’s only warning of Barack Obama’s secret past as “The0n3,” a founding member of the 1980’s hacker group Legion of Doom. Once in office, Obama reassembles the now-middle-aged cyberpunk gang for “the l33test Cabinet ever,” and new defense secretary “NinjaBoy” promptly declares cyberwar on China, Russia and, oddly, Canada (“I always hated that poser Mafiaboy.”) Cyber Armageddon seems inevitable until rival hackers from MOD change all the White House phone lines into pay phones. (by Threat Level)

ZDNet hotlinking

Wednesday, September 24th, 2008

So I found this rather amusing, on their story about the “Hunt for the Palin ‘Hacker'”, they were hotlinking an image from Project Gutenberg. You would think that they would know better… guess not.

AP Article Cleverly Disguised as OnStar ad

Monday, September 1st, 2008

I generally browse through Google News at least a few times each week, and I came across this article about how people are using OnStar to avoid Hurricane Gustav. After about the first few paragraphs, it quickly turned into an advertisement for OnStar. Great impartial news coverage… but I’ll let you decide:

Drivers rely on OnStar to evade Hurricane Gustav

Standalone GPSD MySQL Logging Daemon – geoHist 0.2 released!

Thursday, July 3rd, 2008

Well, I am happy to announce the release of version 0.2 of my standalone GPS logging software, geoHist. This version actually makes geoHist useful: you can export the data from the MySQL database into a GPX format. From there you can use a program like Google Earth to display the tracks it records on a map (Note: Google Earth doesn’t work for all tracks… I’m not quite sure why yet, but I’m probably going to change things around to dump to KML format soon).

You can find out more about geoHist at its page:

Validate GPX file in Linux

Monday, June 30th, 2008

The website describing the GPX standard describes a way to validate your GPX file in windows, however it does not mention a way to do it in Linux. So heres how you can validate your files (one way of many, I’m sure). The program you use is called xmllint, and in ubuntu, the package that contains this is libxml2-utils …

GPX 1.0:

xmllint --noout --schema testfile.gpx

GPX 1.1:

xmllint --noout --schema testfile.gpx

Hope that saves you some time!

The Answer to Infinite Loops

Sunday, June 29th, 2008

Programmers, we should make our infinite loops more exciting! A lot of times in C or other languages, you see infinite loops represented by things such as

while (1) { /* do stuff here */ }

Or perhaps by

for (;;) { /* do stuff here */ }

Thats so boring! Why not be more creative in your work? I propose that we use the following construct instead

while (42) { /* do stuff here */ }

Now you might ask, why use while() instead of for() or do.. while()? In my opinion, its cleaner (the while part, not necessarily the number part). while() seems like the correct options, since (in my mind, at least) for() implies some set amount of iteration, whereas while() implies keep going until some condition is false. Of course, I do realize that they all do the same thing and each different one can do the same things as the others with some modification.

Yes, that was a rather useless post, but I had to get it off of my chest 🙂

True Best Buy Experience

Tuesday, March 11th, 2008

So… everyone hates blonde jokes and such, but this actually happened to someone I know, and its quite amusing:

friend: so i went to best buy to grab smash bros brawl
friend: and by the mac section some blonde was talking to the sales guy
friend: he was telling her about it and how the browser it uses is called Safari
friend: she asks, “is it the same internet?”

Sometimes, reality is far more amusing than fiction. Priceless. 😀

Museum Of Bad Art

Sunday, March 2nd, 2008

I have very mixed feelings about art. I can appreciate good art (though, not some ‘modern’ art) to some extent, but usually its just easier to make fun of it. Today I took the opportunity to go visit the Museum Of Bad Art… which had some really god-awful art in it, but was definitely quite amusing, and was a delight to make fun of. They are dedicated “to bring the worst of art to the widest of audiences”. It was only a short drive from where I’m located at, and was definitely worth the visit.

Of course, I simply HAD to take some pictures (though, they have pictures on their website as well) that I could share with you:


Moved to Boston

Monday, February 11th, 2008

So I got a job at BBN Technologies in Boston, MA at the beginning of January, and moved my stuff out here in a giant 26-foot U-Haul (despite having very little stuff… ) on the 31st! Which, that was a lot of fun. Been adjusting to having a ‘real’ job for a week now, but the people there are pretty cool.

However, its been an interesting adjustment for me. Boston is such a huge place with people all around at all hours of the day.. I mean, you don’t get stuck in traffic at 11PM in Kalamazoo! And of course all the streets are going in a million different ways.. though in many respects, it feels like you’re driving on a racetrack sometimes, which is really fun.

One thing that I’ve really come to dislike is the huge amount of full-serve gas stations around here… its so annoying. I’m not 100% sure why, but I hate giving my credit card to people (though, you could argue that waitresses and such do the same thing, and it doesn’t bother me). Anyways.. its weird, but I’m enjoying myself. More later.