Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Black Friday: Rearranging my desk

Friday, November 23rd, 2007

I went shopping this morning at around 5am… and after awhile, I ended up with this (just the monitors are new, actually):


I’ve had triple monitors setup for quite awhile now (going on around 5 years or so), but I’ve always had CRT’s. Now, I have three 17″ widescreen LCD  panels. Pretty awesome, and reasonably cheap too! 🙂

OWS Analysis of traffic to previous post

Sunday, November 11th, 2007

Looks like I’m getting a lot of traffic to my previous post about the MBR love note, which is pretty awesome. Heres a screenshot of the traffic so far in my open source website traffic analysis tool, Obsessive Website Statistics (I’ll update it later tonight, be more interesting). Its definitely eclipsed any of my other recent traffic…

Edit: this was the pre-digg screenshot


This is the post-digg screenshot. I bet you can’t tell when the page was on the front page of Digg AND Reddit.. 


Lack of blogging

Wednesday, October 31st, 2007

Hey, I’ve been doing a TON of stuff lately, but haven’t had time to blog. And of course, WordPress caused some trouble when I upgraded last.. so there will be more blogging soon! Just trying to graduate… 🙂

If you want Google to buy you, play the lottery instead

Thursday, October 18th, 2007

This is a great quote:

” There are more people that win $5 million in the New York lottery than get acquired by Google (, 10/22/07). ”

Not quite sure why the date is post-dated, but it was in there anyways. Interesting article though.


“POKE” is a registered trademark of Facebook

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2007

So, I got kicked off of Facebook for a few hours because I was being “spammy”, and this gave me the opportunity to review their TOS. Turns out, “POKE” is a registered trademark of Facebook.


I respect companies wanting to protect their business and all, but sometimes it just seems like they go too far.  Sorta like people and frivolous lawsuits resulting in the silliest warning labels…sheesh.

Google Documents

Tuesday, September 25th, 2007

While working on the “Green Space” project (which really isn’t about green space) we’ve been using Google Documents extensively to collaborate on press releases, agendas, and other random things. Its been AWESOME, despite the fact that the user interface for Google Docs really sucks, IMHO.

Ironically, before I actually used it, I couldn’t see why anyone would want to replace their desktop word processor for something like Google Docs. Now, I can see why to some extent — though, I can’t imagine using it for EVERYTHING. The best and most useful feature is the fact that multiple people can work on the same document at the same time, which is pretty freaking awesome for projects like ours.

The “Green Space” @ WMU

Wednesday, September 19th, 2007

I haven’t been blogging much lately since I’ve been involved with a HUGE project lately protesting an ugly parking lot at my University, and its been taking up all of my time that isn’t already been taken up with schoolwork.

We created a Facebook group which has over 800 members now. The use of Facebook here has been a great collaboration tool and a good way for us to get interested volunteers to help us. Also, the viral nature of Facebook has allowed us to reach people we ordinarily couldn’t reach.

On Monday night, a group of volunteers gathered at the ugly parking lot in question and proceeded to mark EVERY element of the parking lot with its price using chalk. We also proceeded to chalk around the area to draw attention to the chalk in the parking lot.

The response has been simply phenomenal! We’ve appeared on TV, had newspaper articles, and been invited to radio shows. We’ve had students and staff tell us that not only were they amused by the project, but also that it was very informative. Its been quite a fun experience for me.

I highly recommend the website I created for it. Check it out at

Web Interface to the fortune program

Sunday, August 26th, 2007

I got bored last night, so I created a wrapper around the fortune program on my Gentoo box… then made it better with jQuery AJAX goodness. And then I combined it with my rndsay wrapper to make the fortunes be echoed by cows. 🙂 Of course, getting it to work on my host here has been annoying, but I finally got it working! Enjoy!

Random Fortune Generator

Source Code

Another antivirus complaint

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2007

I was recently talking to a co-worker who was complaining that their machine ran a virus scan every Wednesday at noon, and made the machine totally unusable. Of course, the virus scanner was our corporate version of Symantec and the scan cannot be disabled. Which in my mind, brings up an interesting question:

If the antivirus “Auto-Protect” feature actually works, why the heck do you need to run a virus scan??!

Seriously. And, a lot of helpdesk documentation on the web recommends that users run virus scans weekly/daily. But at the same time, if you have the autoprotect working, then theoretically isn’t it going to stop anything from getting onto your machine, and thus making the virus scan useless?

It used to be that running a virus scan wouldn’t kill the machine, but with todays bloated and slow antivirus products, it just seems silly to run the scan. But maybe thats just me.

Another MySQL Cluster Lesson

Friday, August 17th, 2007

I learned a great truth about MySQL Cluster today, and I think MySQL in general actually:

Apparently, memory really does matter!

Heh.  Imagine that. I mean, I knew it was true, but didn’t full realize it until I tried setting up a 8-node MySQL cluster on Pentium 4’s with 256MB of RAM. The performance was absolutely horrible. Seriously. So I switched some things around and the performance was way better with 2 P4’s with 512MB of RAM. We have a lab on campus with 2gb memory and Core Duos… with gigabit. That would be nice… 🙂