Archive for the ‘General’ Category

Highly Scalable Websites

Wednesday, August 8th, 2007

My roommate found a neat site today,, which gives a (unfortunately non-comprehensive) overview of a lot of successful websites and how they coped with growing hordes of traffic. Its way neat. 🙂

Why so-called “Web Apps” bug me

Wednesday, August 1st, 2007

I’ve been really really busy lately working on my latest upgrades to OWS. The problem was that after putting in a few million rows into the database, queries took FOREVER. So.. I got myself a few books/articles about OLAP and star schemas and I think I’ve devised a high performance way of storing/retrieving the data. Its not done yet, but once it is I’ll probably write a series of blog posts about it — its some really neat stuff.

But really, what I wanted to mention today is the silliness of a lot of enterprise-level so called “Web Applications”. Prominent examples I can think of that we use/maintain at my workplace are things like Blackboard WebCT, Sungard Banner, and Kronos Workforce Central.

These silly applications call themselves “Web Apps”, but when you go to use them on a brand new computer, they all have the same problem — you need a runtime of some kind to be installed on the computer, or applets, or some other such nonsense. Which really, thats fine and all, but I hate that they call themselves web apps, since they’re just really ‘fat’ applications that happen to run from a web browser. If you need to install something other than a web browser, its NOT a web application anymore (at least, in my opinion). Of course, don’t get me started on the complexity of installing some of the Oracle ‘web’ stuff that some of our people use…. gah.

You know, its funny, most of the capabilities that these applications implement can easily be done using AJAX and javascript technologies — look at google maps, or any one of a number of google products. Or OWS. All of these products act like an application on a desktop, except that they work in the web browser with no strings attached, and will work on a Windows PC or a Mac or Linux… or even a Wii.

These other apps — its not a web application if it only runs on Internet Explorer on Windows (granted, some have firefox plugins too… or use Java, but thats a whole other realm right there ) . At least, not in my book.

Apparently Microsoft uses Firefox too!

Tuesday, July 24th, 2007

Haha… I was browsing the Facebook developer site and they linked to Microsofts website in relation to MS’s popfly application. Apparently it has support for Facebook application development or some such thing. Well if you take one good look at the screenshot they were using…


Recognize those tabs? Its Firefox! Apparently Microsoft likes Firefox too. 😀 Of course, we probably already knew that, but this is further proof!


Image Link:

Optimizing a really nasty SQL query

Monday, July 23rd, 2007

Ok, so while working on Obsessive Website Statistics (OWS), I’ve hit a situation. See, OWS tries to be semi-intelligent and combine the parameters of all the installed plugins into really giant/nasty SQL queries that make you shudder, but tend to work.

So right now, I’m trying to select the following (at the same time):

  • All pages, grouped
  • COUNT() of all hosts
  • COUNT() of all pages that end with .html, .htm, .php, /
  • COUNT() of all pages
  • SUM() of filesizes

So of course, getting the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th items is pretty easy. However, the third item is getting annoying. I tried using a subquery, but considering the table is 100,000 rows this is a particularly slow query:

			virtualroadside_com.request_str AS a,
			COUNT( AS b 
			(virtualroadside_com.filename LIKE '%.html' 
			OR virtualroadside_com.filename LIKE '%/' 
			OR virtualroadside_com.filename LIKE '%.htm' 
			OR virtualroadside_com.filename LIKE '%.php') 
		GROUP BY virtualroadside_com.request_str 
		ORDER BY virtualroadside_com.request_str DESC 
		LIMIT 0,100
	) c,
	virtualroadside_com.request_str = c.a
GROUP BY virtualroadside_com.request_str 
ORDER BY virtualroadside_com.request_str DESC 
LIMIT 0,100;

So, the big question here is: Is there better ways to accomplish this sort of thing without using subqueries? This particular query takes around 40 seconds on 105,000 rows to execute on my computer (Dual PIII, 500Mhz). I’m positive theres a way to do with with a JOIN of some kind, but I can’t get any of those to work correctly either. Let me know if you have any good ideas! I’ll publish a better way to do this hopefully in the next few days once I figure it out. 🙂


Thursday, July 19th, 2007

A friend just gave me a link to a piece of software called TiddlyWiki. Besides the neat name, it is actually a ridiculously useful piece of software. Its a Wiki inside of an HTML file. Seriously. So you can bring a wiki around with you anywhere that you can edit at any time on any (modern) browser without requiring server software.

Anyways, its way cool, and I’ve already thought of a million different uses for it… though really, you have to use it to understand why its so freaking sweet. Go there. Now. 

Visual jQuery: Awesome jQuery Reference

Thursday, July 12th, 2007

This is seriously the coolest form of documentation that I’ve seen. Implemented using jQuery by jQuery developer Yehuda Katz, Visual jQuery implements the API documentation for jQuery using an expanding tree of categorized nodes. Its quite innovative, IMHO. If you develop using jQuery, definitely a plus to have around. And, there is a downloadable copy of it available too. 🙂

Why Antivirus is unnecessary in a controlled environment that uses DriveShield

Tuesday, July 10th, 2007

This is a short essay-style piece I wrote on my own time a few weeks ago to defend my position of not putting antivirus in our computer labs. I presented this to a group of lab managers here, and I lost the battle with them for political reasons and because they focused on macro viruses too much, which I didn’t look into at first because of they barely exist anymore!! Notwithstanding, I think the technical merits of my argument can stand fairly well anyways, and is a good read anyways. Keep in mind that this is talking about tightly managed machines with something like DriveShield or Deep Freeze on the computer. For perspective, the antivirus vendor we use is Symantec antivirus (which I despise). This paper does not reflect the position or opinions of anyone except myself.


Blaming Mr. Rogers

Sunday, July 8th, 2007

Heh… a recent study shows this generation is more narcissistic and selfish than previous generations. Probably true, no doubt. A professor at Louisiana State University blames childhood influences such as Mr. Rogers to telling us that we don’t need to work for what we get. Hmm… evil Mr. Rogers :p

Of course, the best statement in the second article has to be this: “By 2006, they said, two-thirds of the students had above-average scores, 30 percent more than in 1982.” Wait, so isn’t average the mean, which means you are always going to have at most half above it? Heh.. of course, they’re probably talking about the cumulative average over decades of research, but still…

jQuery rocks

Saturday, July 7th, 2007

Have you used jQuery yet? I know its been around for awhile, but I’ve only recently been using it. Of course, there are other similar javascript frameworks out there. jQuery makes javascript development ‘fun’, according to the website, and I would definitely agree. It makes so many mundane things way easy and quick to do. If you aren’t using it for your web applications, I’d definitely recommend it. I’m using it in my LOLCats generator demo page, and in my website stats analysis program (which will be formally announced and released in the near future), and it definitely allows you to do some really crazy things quickly.

LOLCat Creator Generator

Friday, July 6th, 2007

For those of you who have used my LOLCat Generator script, you would be happy to know that I’ve improved it slightly — now using it on images that have white backgrounds works decently. Things the LOLCat Creator can do:

  • Put a caption in any of the corners, with wordwrap
  • Generate from any one of the few random cat pictures I have on the site
  • Generate from any URL of an image that you give it

A lot of people have been using it, and there are some pretty amusing pictures that have been generated. I’ll have to post the best ones. 🙂

LOLCat Generator Page